
. . . I haven’t been to the dentist in 6.5 years due to having very sensitive teeth and issues with high pitched noise making dental visits a real torture session. I told my issues to Dr. Anderson and he worked to make my visit a breeze. Will definitely have him as my permanent dentist.
Kate R.

Discovering you have a cavity is a bummer, but it’s nothing to worry about! We treat damaged teeth with fillings every day!

At 110 Dental & Orthodontics of Whitehouse, TX, our team works hard to make treatment as simple, convenient, and pleasant as possible. Plus, the earlier you visit for a filling, the more likely you’ll be to avoid a painful toothache or potential emergency later.

It’s always better to fix a tooth before it gets complicated. Schedule an appointment with our 110 Dental & Orthodontics of Whitehouse, TX team today so you can get the filling you need and avoid a bigger issue later.

Dentist Office 101 Dental Orthodontics Whitehouse TX services fillings
Call 110 Dental & Orthodontics of Whitehouse, TX at 903.328.6577 to schedule an appointment today!

Your local dentist's office: 308 Highway 110 North, Whitehouse, TX 75791.
